Restaurants That Are Great for a First Date
While a lot of people have written off restaurants as a boring first-date idea, we think that there’s something to be said for the old standby. The reason restaurants got popular as a first-date idea at all is because they make it easy to sit down and talk for a while face to face, evaluating each other while you’re still engaged in something else. Having food to look at and talk about means that you won’t ever be at too much of a loss for something to say. There are some bad first restaurant ideas, of course. However, some kinds of eateries don’t get enough credit. Here are some ideas for a great first date restaurant:

“Choose a cafe which is not much crowded”
Due perhaps to the name and to European origins as a breakfast place, many people don’t think of cafes as a good first date location. One of the reasons for this is that many cafes close early. In cities, however, you’ll have a much larger window of opportunity in which to get everything done. Many cafes in the city are open all night. While cafes are a little noisier (due to espresso machines and such) than other restaurants, they’re also less formal, which can be a fun, flirty thing if you’re meeting someone to just hook up with instead of someone you want to start a relationship with. Another good thing is that you can keep getting food, sweets, and drinks as long as you want without making it a production. If you’re ready to go, just leave without waiting for the check (because you’ve already paid). If you want to check her out more, stay for another pastry.
Romantic Joints
There are some romantic restaurants that are actually worth the time. Not every romantic restaurant is, but the ones that are can get you in good. Yes, this will set you back quite a bit of money for a full course dinner for yourself and the lady. However, if she’s a high-class sort of woman, this can easily be your ticket to making sure that tonight goes the way you’ve planned it. Scope out the restaurant carefully before committing, and know what you’re planning on eating before you go. That will make you look decisive and confident.
High-End Bars

“Find a nice corner at some good bar”
A bar is an easy place to meet, and if you meet at a fancier bar, you’re going to have lots of opportunities to hide away in a dark little corner and flirt. One great kind of bar to meet in is a hotel bar. They can have some of the best bartenders, as well as the best atmospheres. There’s also the not-insignificant fact that meeting in a hotel bar puts you in very close proximity to an actual hotel. While this is a lot of fun, you have to make sure you’re matching the venue to the kind of girl you’re seeing, and to the kind of date you want. If she’s the kind to put out after a hotel bar drink, go for it.