Your ONS Has a Weird Fetish: What Now?

“She wants to use handcuffs and blindfolds on you”
Maybe we haven’t all been there, but plenty of us have been there. Sometimes, you’re all ready to hook up with a hot woman, but you find out too late that she’s not exactly…typical. Maybe she has a screw loose, maybe she’s just indulging herself in a fetish, but all of a sudden you get to your place or the hotel, and she suddenly tells you, “By the way, there’s a little something I’d like to try.”
Before you know it, you’re strung up to the ceiling and nibbling on her toes. What gives? Well, we’re here to help you out for any time you’ve been stuck in a sticky situation where the woman you’re with suddenly drops a fetish bombshell on you. We’ll teach you what to say, and how to deal.
Is It Safe?
The first thing you need to ask yourself is whether this woman’s fetish is safe both for you and for her. Don’t just trust that it is because she says she’s done it many times before, either. She might be lying, or she might be “exaggerating” a little bit. If you’re considering going along with her weird fetish, whatever it is, make sure you’re going to be safe first. If you can’t be sure that you’re going to be safe, you might want to take the discreet part of valor and bow gracefully out of this one. No matter how good this hookup is going to be, it’s not going to be so good you want to risk your health or even your life.
Does It Gross You Out?
You might think that you “have” to try out her kink just because it’s not unsafe. After all, you brought her to the bedroom, and she won’t sleep with you if you don’t, right? Well, maybe. The chances are, If she waited until this point and then sprung it on you, she’s been turned down before when she asked in advance, and has found that this is her best chance to get what she wants. If what she wants to do grosses you out, don’t put yourself through that.
Are You Afraid?
If her kink weirds you out, don’t stress yourself about it. You might want to look at WHY you’re afraid of what she wants to do. Do you think it will hurt, or be upsetting in some way? Or is it just weird because it’s new? If doing it isn’t going to put you in harm’s way and you don’t have a good reason not to, you can always experiment just so you can say you’ve done it.
How Badly Do You Want to Sleep With Her?

“Make sure you do what you want”
Finally, ask yourself: is this girl crazy? Is it really worth sleeping with her? Go ahead and make sure that you’re not being brainwashed just because she’s really cute and you want to get the most out of hooking up with her. Believe us, we’ve been there, and we don’t want you to go there.