The Ultimate Review of Xxxblackbook.Com: Why We Wouldn’t Add Xxxblackbook.Com To Our “Top 3 One-Night Stand Sites” List was never going to make our list of the top websites for no strings attached dating, let’s be honest. This site is poorly run, it doesn’t look sleek or sexy, and it’s not the kind of place that you’d meet any woman you really want to know. For once, looks are everything—because that’s really what is like once you get to know it.
For Reference, Our Results After Using Xxxblackbook.Com For 60 Days
During our review, we sent out emails to 270 women in hopes that we’d be able to get back a decent percentage of them. Unfortunately for us, we only got back 41 messages, and none of them were particularly interested or interesting.

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We didn’t manage to set up a single date, and no one asked us for more contact. This was a disappointing result, but not completely unexpected after we saw how the site was run.
Why We Really Didn’t Like Xxxblackbook.Com: Is Xxxblackbook.Com a Scam?
From the moment you sign on to, you know that you’re not in a good way. This site isn’t designed well, and almost all of the profiels are actually fake. The best advice you can get is to leave before you get roped into giving them money. In the News
Sites like are no better for dating than crappy apps:
The Final Xxxblackbook.Com Review: Do We Recommend Using Xxxblackbook.Com At All For Finding A One-Night Stand In Canada?
There’s no reason to try and make the most out of a bad site like This isn’t worth your time, so check out a good site like Xpress or Socialsex instead for a great time hooking up and having one night stands.
xxxblackbook is my least favorite site. that’s why i just have to leave it an awful review, it’s the worst of the worst and i can’t imagine anyone making it work
there’s no comparison to how bad this site is! i can’t imagine anyone being able to make it work for them, it’s just nOT GOOD and really not something i want to keep using
skip out on this scam. it’s not worth a single glance, you definitely won’t be able to meet any real women on here, it’s just not good at all
not sure how anyone really can make this site work? i’m not sure how legit xxxblackbook looks on their end but for me it’s been very hit and miss
it’s not a good site. i’m really not impressed with it. i don’t think it’s good at all and i think that the women on here that i’ve seen have all been fakes
just a test run proved to me that this site is awful. xxxblackbook is really not a good site and trying to find a real woman on it is like a needle in a haystack
only rating it gets from me is a low one. i was really unimpressed right from the start and i don’t think it’s getting any better at all
when i come up with a new review 2013 list this site won’t evenb e on it. i was not ahppy with it and i cna’ timagine anyone else liked it either
not exactly my pick for dating. i think xxxblackbook has potential but so far it’s been very hit and miss for me, what a shame in general
usually sites like this aren’ tmy cup of tea…and this one is no exception. i don’t think it really provides the sort of service that it tries to guarantee at all
when i think of this site i just have to leave it a bad review. i hate xxxblackbook and the amount of time i ended up wasting on it in general
no comparison! this site is AWFUL and i am really not happy with it nor am i impressed with it at all. pass this one over if you want to get laid
for a scam like this to still be running is incredible. i don’t like it at all and i think most people would wnat to leave it in the dust, i certainly do
not sure how legit this site is. i think xxxblackbook seems like it could be fun but so far it’s just very hit and miss and doesn’t seem to work that well
i don’t think it’s good at all. this site hasn’t helped me meet a single woman and i can’t imagine anyone else making it actually work for them
it’s a test run that i wish i had never undertook. xxxblackbook is NOT GOOD and the women you see on here are all mostly FAKES for sure
the only rating this site deserves is an awful one. you won’t find anyr eal ladies on here, it’s all a scam to make you spend your money on this site!
when i write a new review 2013 list this one will be right at the bottom of my list. it’s awful and doesn’t help me meet the kind of women i want at all
for dating it’s ok? i just think that xxxblackbook has a lot of potential and nothing ever happens with it. oh well, i learned my lesson with this one
usually i don’t like sites like this and unfortunately this one isn’t changing my mind. it’s just not that good and i can’t imagine it ever getting any better
don’t even bother. there’s a reason why i left xxxblackbook such a bad review and it’s because it’s honestly the worst of the worst! forget about this site
there’s no comparison to this one, it’s just my least favorite by far. i can’t stand it and i don’t like it at all so forget about trying to make it work
i think this one is little more than a scam. it’s not my favorite at all and i don’t like it so there’s no reason to really try and make it work at all
i don’t think it’s the most legit out there but it’s not the worst either. xxxblackbook is just kind of one of those hit and miss kind of sites and it doesn’t work that well
it’s just NOT GOOD. i can’t stand this site and i can’t imagine anyone else making it work for them so forget about it in general
a test run of xxxblackbook really proved to me how bad this site is. forget about trying to make it work! this site is EMPTY AND USELESS
only rating i can give this one is a 0 out of 10. i was so unhappy with the way that it turned out and i immediately left this site. NOT GOOD!
really low ranked on my review 2013 list. it’s just not my kind of site at all and i was really hoping that it would be better than this but it just isn’t at all
for dating? not my pick. i guess it could be worse but xxxblackbook is just kind of medicore for me in all regards and i don’t like it that much…
usually i’m kind of eh with sites like this but this one turned me flat against it. i don’t like it and i don’t like this site and i won’t be back!!!
the only review this site gets from me? a BAD ONE. i hate xxxblackbook and you should too. it won’t get you a date, it’ll just waste your time!
there’s no comparison to this site really. it’s not good and it never will be, i can’t imagine it ever working out for me because there just aren’t any women on here!
not just a scam, but a time waster on top of that. i’m rEALLY not into this site and i think it’s just a total waste of everyone’s time
if you want a legit site i’m not sure that xxxblackbook is it… it’s just kind of hit and miss for me so far but i’m holding out to see if it’ll work!
it’s not good really but it’s just not my kind of site so forget about it…i don’t think i’ll be recommending this one to anyone that i know