The Ultimate Review of Why We Wouldn’t Add To Our “Top 3 One-Night Stand Sites” List
If you put your ear to, you’ll be able to hear the ocean—or a wind tunnel. This website is shockingly empty. Most of the times we used it, usually in the late evening, there were only one or two people online—in all of Canada!
For Reference, Our Results After Using For 60 Days
We didn’t expect a huge turnout from a site like, but we were expecting better than we got. We sent out 270 emails, not that that was an easy task, but we only got 11 back in return. We didn’t get a single date from this website.

There’s nothing worse than striking out. With these one night stand sites you will have a full social sex schedule.
Why We Really Didn’t Like Is a Scam?
First of all, the name of this website is awful. No one wants to join a site like that. Secondly, if the site had any women, we might be tempted to go back. It doesn’t. In the News
According to a new study, over two million Brits have admitted to hookups—so why can’t we find any on
According to this editorial, deciding whether to come clean to a spouse after a one night stand can be a huge commitment:
The Final Review: Do We Recommend Using At All For Finding A One-Night Stand In Canada?
LoveAwake is one of the sleepiest, dumbest websites we’ve ever encountered. Don’t be afraid to leave this site in the dust and search out Xpress instead.
there’s nothing good to say in my review for this site is AWFUL and i definitely wont’ be back to use it again in the future!
what a horrible site. i can’t even think of a single comparison to this cheap crap, it’s NOT good and you won’t meet any women on here
to say it’s a scam is to put it lightly. this site is full of fakes from top to bottom and you won’t be able to meet a single chick on here. what a waste of time
not sure how legit love awake is but it seems like it’s probably fun? i just don’t know yet because it’s been pretty slow but i sure hope it picks up soon
this site really isn’t good. i don’t think anyone can make it work because it’s just empty and really inactive. it’s just not a good site
skip this one, a test run will tell you how bad it is but honestly love awake is just so bad that you don’t even need to bother with that. use your eyes!
the only rating i can give this site is a bad one. pass it over, you won’t get laid so what even is the point of this site in general it’s just bad
when i write my new review 2013 list this site will definitely be right near the bottom. it’s just NOT good and you won’t get laid so what’s the point
as far as dating goes this site isn’t my favorite. i think that love awake has potential but overall it’s just not a very good site at all
usually sites like this odn’t wow me and what a surprise…this one didn’t eitehr. i won’t be back to use this one again, it’s just not good
the only review this site gets from me is a bad one!! i hate love awake. this site doesn’t work to help you meet women at all and that’s really disappointing.
no comparison…you WON’T meet women on this site. they’re all fakes as far as i can tell, it’s just a bit scam from top to bottom
pretty sure it’s nothing but a scam. what a waste of time. this isn’t a good site and it never will be, i’m really not impressed wtih it at all
i’m not sure if love awake is legit or not but i sure hope it is. it’s just not very good in general and i think that it woudl be better off left alone
it’s not a good site plain and simple. i wish it would get shut down entirely and see if anyone else realizes how bad this site is!
a test run has proven to me that this site is really not any good at all. love awake is just one mess after another and they are doing nothing to fix it
the only rating this site gets is a 0 out of 10. it’s hard to believe it’s still up and running when all it does is scam people and ruin people’s good times
when i write a review 2013 list i won’t be ranking this one high at all. it’s a bad site and i think that in general it’s a waste of your time
for dating it’s just kind of ok. i think love awake has potential but so far it just hasn’t done anything to prove to me that it’s worth my time…
sites like this aren’t my thing and i don’t think i can really enjoy it when there are a lot of fakes on here. i don’t think i’ll come back again
if you want a review of this site let me tell you the only thing you need to read is one negative one and run. love awake is AWFUL, it’s no good
you won’t get laid here. for comparison every other site has always gotten me at least one hookup but this one? nOTHING! it’s the worst of the worst
nothing but a scam and you won’t be able to get any girls on here to talk to you. just forget about it! it’s not a good site at all
not sure how legit you can relaly say this site is but i think love awake could be fun with a bit of work. hopefully it picks up!
i’m not sure this site is good at all and i really dont’ care. it hasn’t worked for me so far so i don’t think i’ll be sticking around with it any longer
for a test run it was very disappointing. love awake is not the site that i really want to stick around on so i’ll be gone now thanks
forget about this site, there’s a reason why i’ve given it such a low rating. it’s the worst site i’ve ever used to try and get laid on
when i write a new review 2013 list this one will be at the very bottom…it’s just NOT a good site. very disappointing and not something i want to keep using
for dating it’s kind of ok but not great. love awake isn’t my pick for a good site but it’s just kind of there if you need it to be
not into sites like this and this one didn’t change my opinions. i don’t think i’ll be using it in the future, it’s just not a good site at all
pass this one over, that’s why i have given it a bad review! love awake doesn’t work and it’s nto a site that i really want to keep using
for comparison every other stie at least has girls that return my messages. this one? NOTHING! what a total waste of time and energy
i won’t be back to use this scam in the future. it’s a big waste of time and i can’t imagine anyone being able to make it work at all
you won’t get laid on this site but i think it’s pretty legit otherwise. it just works so slowly so i imagine love awake being very frustrating to most
not very good at all. i won’t be back to use thi sone again, i can’t ven get a woman on here to talk to me and that’s just pathetic, it’s not good!