Priming the Pump
You don’t just want to get laid once, right? You want to get laid LOTS of times, and to do that, you want to set up something very important that we call a “one night stand pipeline.”

You want to get as many dates as you want, whenever you want.
Essentially, what you’re doing is building up a little black book that anyone would be proud to have. Your black book is the accumulation of a whole bunch of dates that went well, all compiled into one lump of successful phone numbers and notes about these girls.
It takes time to build up this pipeline.
You’re going to have to be patient. Not every woman you see is a name worthy of going in the book, after all. When you’re looking for one night stands in Canada, there are going to be some successes and some failures. You need to learn to take the failures on the chin and go right out there again and look for the successes.
After all, your successes can turn into something a lot more permanent. You probably don’t want these women around all the time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep their numbers in case of a booty call emergency. After all, that’s what a booty call is—a night when you have no other plans, and you just want to meet up with someone for a night of fun sex.
This can be overwhelming unless you’re organized.
Building up a booty call pipeline isn’t for the casual dater who wants to go to a bar and go home with the first woman who will say “yes.” Of course, those guys generally strike out more often than not, which means that organization here is your friend in finding you sex partners.
Split the women you know into groups.
Your first group of women should consist of the BEST ones that you want to hook up with whenever you have the chance. These are the ones that have rocked your world in the past.
The next tier is the ones that are good but not great, and the third tier is for the women you can call when you have no other options for the night. Hey, no matter how bad it was the first time, it’s almost certainly better than spending time alone with your hand.