Our HornyWife.com Review – Why Did We Rank HornyWife.com #3 For Online Affairs In Canada?
HornyWife is in our top three affairs site for a reason: because it works for finding online affairs
There are a lot of things we like about this websites. However, there are also a few problems with it that we think knock it down our list. This site is good, but could be so much better given a higher budget and more effort.

Find out why it’s one of the best! Click here for HornyWife
Let’s take a look at why HornyWife made the cut.
Read Our Results After Using HornyWife.com For 90 Days: Was The Trial HornyWife.com Worth It?
During our HornyWife review, we wanted to make sure we were giving it a fair shake. We sent out 270 emails, making sure that they were evenly spaced out over time. We heard back from 133 women, and set up a date with eight of those women.
We were expecting more, to be frank. We might have heard back from a lot of women, but we certainly didn’t manage to set up all that many great dates while we did. We went on seven actual dates, and hooked up with women six times over the course of three months.
On HornyWife.com, The Top 3 Messages That Earned Us The Best Response
Email 1: “Hi, Hilary. Your eyes were the first thing that caught mine, but I have to admit, the more I look, the more I like. You seem like the kind of girl with layer after layer, just waiting to be revealed.”
Email 2: “Hi, Rosie. Wow, I love the passion I see in your cooking skills that you’re showing here. I’d love to see whether everything tastes as good as it looks—and yes, I mean everything.”
Email 3: “Hi, Janis. What caught me about your profile was that defiant, exuberant expression on your face. I have a feeling you’re just as iconoclastic in your everyday life, and I’d love to see if I’m right.”
When Using HornyWife.com, This Is What We Loved About It
The searching algorithm for HornyWife is pretty good. We were able to easily find a lot of women that we wanted to hook up with, and that we were able to meet within a very small geographical distance. That’s pretty much our only requirement.
Get An Edge Over The Competition On HornyWife.com: Our Top-Secret Tactics
The easiest way we’ve found to get an edge over the guys on HornyWife is to showcase your own flexibility and availability. The women on this site aren’t looking for a boyfriend. They’re looking for a booty call when they get bored, so make sure you’re not going to be a disappointment.
The Few Things About HornyWife.com That We Didn’t Love
We want to put this tactfully: a lot of guys love cougars. Hell, we do, too. Of course, we prefer being able to select the hot cougar among a lot of hot women. On HornyWife, that’s pretty much all you have to choose from, and not all the women are hot enough to be proper “cougar” territory.
HornyWife.com In the News
Don’t take our word for it; AskMen has similar experiences on dating sites: http://www.askmen.com/top_10/dating/top-10-hookup-websites.html
NBC News finds that hookups aren’t to blame for women’s bad sex problems: http://www.nbcnews.com/health/its-not-just-hookups-some-women-never-orgasm-all-2D11577334
There are good and bad office hookups; here’s how to know which is which: http://www.complex.com/city-guide/2013/12/best-locations-for-office-hookups
In The End, Our Complete HornyWife.com Review: Why Should You Be Using HornyWife.com To Find Online Affairs In Canada?
We recommend this site, because it worked for us. If you would rather have a one night stand, then Socialsex and Xpress are for you, but otherwise you’ll see a lot of results when using HornyWife to have online affairs.
there’s really just no comparison to how much fun this site is. it’s so easy to use and the women on it are just hotter than any other site
LOVE this site. Hornywife.com is SO Much fun and that’s why i can’t pass it up. you will regret not using this site because it’s the best of the best
i was worried this woudl be a scam but it’s definitely not. this site is real and it’s so much fun that i can’t forget about it ever
if you want a legit site then this is it, but horny wife still isnt my fav. i think it’s a little overhypeda bout how good it is ing eneral
a good site and one that i’ll definitely come back to in the future. it’s just kind of one of the best things i’ve found this year so i’m addicted
a test run proved to me that horny wife really works. this is a great site and it attracts a great number of REALLY hot ladies
the only rating i can give this site is a 10 out of 10 and for good reason. it works very well and that’s why i really do enjoy this site overall
when it comes to my review 2013 list this site is right at the very top. it’s the kind of site that i think most people should at least try out once
ok for dating but not my favorite. horny wife seems a little hit and miss for most people and unfortunatelyt hat was the case with me
usually sites like this just aren’t my thing. this one however definitely was and i have only had good experiences on this website when it comes to lots of hot dates
don’t skip over this one. there’s a reason why i leave a good review on it and only on it! horny wife actually helps you meet some hot women
i’ve only ever thought of this site as amazing and that’s why there’s just no comparison. i can’t imagine finding a site that works better than this one
a scam is NOT what this site is. i’ve only had good experiences here, just realize that it might go slwoly at first but that will change quickly
i’m pretty sure that hornywife is legit but it’s still not my favorite site in general. it’s kind of slow moving for me and i find that pretty disappointing overall
just a really good solid site and very easy to use. if you’re looking for an easy way to meet women and hookup , THIS is the site for you
i’ve constantly been impressed by this site, id idn’t even need a test run. horny wife just WORKS and that’s why i kept coming back to use it again
the only rating this site gets from me is an A+. it’s such an easy to use site that i cna’t imagine people nto being able to make it work for them
when i write my new review 2013 list this site will be right up there at the top. it’s a great site and one that i highly recommend to others
good for dating but not great. Hornywife.com is just kind of meh for me in most things and that’s nothing new when it comes to most dating sites
sites like this aren’t usually in my radar but this one definitely is. don’t pass it up, it’s the kind of site htat everyone should definitely check out
don’t pass this one over. there’s a REASON why i’ve given horny wife such a good review and it’s because it really works, it’s a great site
if you want to get laid this is the site for you. i can’t think of another site htat comes close in comparison and that’s why i really love it!
i don’t think this site is a scam at all. my only complaint is that it can be competitive with so many guys on this site but that’s REALLY it
i’m pretty sure that horny wife is legit but it’s just not my favorite site. i think it’s overhyped and oversold but hopefully that will change in the future
this is a GOOD site and one that i really do enjoy using. it’s a lot of fun and i think in general it’s the kind of site that shouldn’t be ignored. don’t pass this one up
if you want to actaully have a fun test run this is the site for you. horny wife just works very well and it’s a lot of fun for most people that try it out
a high rating is definitely what i will give this site again and again given the chance. don’t look this one over if you really want to get laid
when i do my next review 2013 list this is right near the top. it’s not perfect but it’s still a great site and definitely worth a second look
as far as dating goes i think that hornywife is just mediocre. there are a lot of sites just like it and this one just doesn’t deliver for me thus far
usually i don’t like sites like this. this site however proved me wrong and that’s why i’m here really enjoying it. what a great site for meee, i definitely won’t turn it back at all