Jewelry You Should Never Buy a Hookup

“Never give expensive jewelry to your casual hookup”
One of the best things you can do before a hookup is to bring this woman a small gift. One thing that you should never do before a hookup is buy a woman the wrong kind of jewelry. Jewelry has meant something different to different people for a long time, but there are a few kinds of jewelry that you should just never give to someone you’re only hooking up with. Here are the top kinds of jewelry you should never give to a hookup:
A locket, even a cheap one, is a pretty significant item. This is something you give to someone you’re serious about. You’re expecting them to keep it, and put pictures in it of people that she wants to remember. Don’t make it weird; a hookup is supposed to be one time only. If you’re going to make it more than one time, that’s fine—and make sure to save the lockets for several times in the future. You don’t want to be the creepy dude that gave her “Together 4 Evr” lockets on the first date.
Charm Bracelets
Hair Jewelry
Hair jewelry is a weird little thing. There’s a lot of stuff you can buy for hair these days that’s technically jewelry—nice things, and they’d usually make a great Christmas or Birthday gift for some woman that you like. However, there’s a weird thing that happens when you put hair and men together: it gets kind of gay. You don’t want to be the guy who got her hair jewelry. Trust us, it’s just…not the guy you want to be. Stick with something that you can more easily appreciate.
Rings Designed for Naughty Places

“Never gift her rings for her body”
Earrings are great, if you’re going with rings, however, are less good as gifts. We’ve seen and heard of guys who think it’s an edgy and interesting gift to give a woman tongue rings, nipple rings, or even clitoral rings for the gift on the first date. First of all, even if you’re only going on this date for a hookup, that doesn’t mean the woman you’re seeing, is going to automatically say yes. Assuming that it will be a horrible mistake. Even if she was already planning on sleeping with you, giving her a gift that implies that it’s a given is a great way to make her change her mind and spend the night alone.