Gifts That Are Too Big for Your Hookup

One of the best and classiest ways to start a hookup is by giving a woman a small gift. If you want to do this on a first date as well (that isn’t intended to be a hookup date), you can get some great results in that way also. However, a lot of guys get stumped when they’re trying to figure out what to get a woman, which can lead to some presents that are too big or too small. Here are some of the worst offenders for presents that are just plain too big to give away to your one night stand or first date:


For some reason, a lot of guys seem to think that they can get away with giving a woman an item of clothing as a little gift. This is a terrible idea for many reasons. First and most importantly, you’re playing a guessing game about her size. Women’s clothing comes in bullshit confusing sizes, and there’s no room for error. If you get anything that’s too big for her, she’ll think you’re calling her fat. If you get something that’s too small for her, she’ll feel horrible wearing it and probably just give it away. Secondly, good clothing is too expensive to be a good gift, and cheap clothing is a terrible gift.

Real Jewels

“Do not give her expensive gifts on the first date”

“Do not give her expensive gifts on the first date”

Jewelry is a go-to gift for a lot of guys, and for good reason. There are very few women who don’t like some kind of jewelry, it’s pretty, and it’s small…in size. However, it’s definitely a “big” gift in terms of giving it to a hookup. If you give her jewelry with real stones in it, she’s going to think that you think of her as a prostitute. Is this fair? Perhaps. You’re definitely going to be expecting her to put out if you give her a pair of diamond earrings, right? Except that if you do that, now she won’t be hooking up with you because she wants to, she’ll be doing it because you gave her diamonds and she feels pressured to. Skip the real stones, they don’t make you look manly and she’s not expecting them in any case.


“What? You got tickets to baseball?”

“What? You got tickets to baseball?”

We’ve seen a huge rise in the amount of sites online that tell you to go straight for tickets if you can’t think of a gift to give a woman. While this is fine in theory, it’s a very big gift to give to a woman on the first date. Now, if you want to give her a couple of tickets to a game that she was talking about enjoying, that’s one thing. However, be extremely careful that you’re not going too big here. Travel tickets are too big. Do not give a woman travel tickets, even if it’s a bus to the next town over, on the first date. That just sends out the message that says you want to take her out of her comfort zone, which is a terrible message to send on the first date.

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ONENIGHTSTANDGUIDE.CA is dedicated to helping you get the sex that you need by providing an advanced level guide and reviews of the best dating sites online .